HFS will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for President's Day. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Go Offshore
Without Leaving Your Desk

What We Do 

HFS specializes in providing turn-key solutions for clients.

HFS can recommend offshore products and services to suit anyone’s needs. We have helped clients with every scenario imaginable and can find the solution that will be the best for any circumstance. Once an offshore plan has been recommended, HFS has the experience, expertise and know-how to put it in place. We can form offshore companies, trusts, foundations, open offshore bank, brokerage (self-trading or professionally managed) and precious metals accounts and establish secure offshore addresses, all in the locations that are most advantageous to a client’s individual circumstances. Because HFS can do all of this, our clients don’t have to leave their desks to have a complete offshore solution tailored to their needs and then implemented.

What makes HFS unique?

A Packaged approach saves time and money. Our packaged approach to going offshore makes the process fast, simple and affordable. HFS's Complete Offshore Package includes everything needed to go offshore and can be tailored to the individual needs of the client, making it useful for all scenarios and situations. With the Complete Offshore Package, there are no surprises or guesswork, and clients save time and money over traditional approaches to going offshore. For more information about the Complete Offshore Package, please visit Packaged Services.

Rock-Solid Security

That’s what everyone who goes offshore wants. And this is what our approach to going offshore delivers. When HFS establishes offshore structures for clients, a multi-jurisdictional approach is employed that weaves a network of anonymity which translates into rock-solid privacy and protection. This gives clients complete peace of mind and the confidence of knowing that their assets are safe and secure. To see how this works, please visit Rock Solid Security.

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